Choir Launches First-Ever Diversity Certification for Finance Conferences

The Mitzel Group proudly supports the launch of Choir, a diversity-tech platform and certification for finance conferences to make industry events more inclusive and reflective of the U.S. population. Mitzel Group Partner Lisa Liu serves on the organization’s Advisory Board.

“Choir goes beyond providing underrepresented populations a seat at the table, it strives to change the room entirely,” said Lisa Liu. “The cookie-cutter approach to how business is conducted is unsustainable, and there is ample room in the financial industry to open the stage up to new, fresh perspectives and big ideas. Choir is a cutting-edge, data-backed solution that helps companies measure progress and, ultimately, appeal themselves to wider audiences.”

Choir Certification™ is the first industry benchmark developed for conference diversity. Its proprietary algorithm leverages data points to assess the prominence and visibility of women, non-binary people, and people of color, and the results are leveraged to provide leadership teams and event organizers with actionable guidance on how to improve representation to stay relevant in an increasingly competitive market.

In conjunction with the launch, Choir Pledge was also released. Choir Pledge is a public set of guidelines for speakers, sponsors, and attendees to quickly assess whether a conference’s agenda demonstrates a baseline commitment to representations. It is free to sign and is encouraged for companies and individuals looking for a turnkey way to align their event participation with their overall Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) values and goals.

About Choir

Choir, LLC (“Choir”) is the financial industry’s first conference diversity certification and a diversity-tech platform focused on amplifying the voices of financial professionals who are women, non-binary people, and people of color. Creator of the Choir Certification™ and Choir Score™, the company aims to make conferences more representative of the U.S. population by helping organizations identify and reach clear and actionable speaker diversity benchmarks. A full list of Choir Certified Conferences is available at The company is based in San Francisco and Los Angeles.